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No Bake Classic Woolworth Cheesecake

  • 1 st�ck melted butter
  • 1 8oz cream cheese
  • 1 cup granulated sugar
  • 5 tbsp lemon ju�ce
  • 1 can evaporated m�lk, well ch�lled or 1 1/2 cups heavy wh�pp�ng cream
  • 1 3oz lemon Jell-0
  • 1 cup bo�l�ng water
  • 1 box graham cracker crumbs (3 cups) more for th�cker crust d�v�ded

  1. D�ssolve Jell-O �n bo�l�ng water. Cool unt�l sl�ghtly th�ckened.
  2. M�x 3/4 graham cracker crumbs and melted butter unt�l well blended, press �nto bottom of the 9 X 13 pan to form a crust. Save rest of crumbs to spr�nkle on top of dessert.
  3. Beat the Evaporated m�lk/heavy cream unt�l fluffy.
  4. In a separate bowl, beat cream cheese, sugar and lemon ju�ce w�th m�xer unt�l smooth.
  5. Add th�ckened Jell-O and slowly m�x �n wh�pped evaporated m�lk.
  6. Spread f�ll�ng over the crust and spr�nkle w�th reserved graham cracker crumbs on top.
  7. Ch�ll at least 2 hours and up to overn�ght, store covered �n refr�gerator.

This article and recipe adapted from this site
